
Battle for Yuki - AAR part 2

 -Turn 1

 The Bakufu's punitive amry appeared. As they surrounded Yuki castle, a formidable contingent was dispatched to relieve Gion castle in the north. Bakufu emerged victorious in the pitched battle in Gion area, though just one unit of Yuki got disordered. 

 Yuki's Sekiyado castle was also besieged by a large army of Bakufu, but the high defence effect of that castle enabled Yuki's garrison to repell the attack. Meanwhile, Bakufu deployed small contingents to the other three castles of Yuki to disrupt Yuki's control of those areas.

 Although Bakufu defeated the rebel force outside Yuki castle, their attempts to breach the castle proved unsuccessful.

 To lift the siege, Yuki gathered the remaining units and attacked Bakufu's army at the southwestern corner of Yuki castle. Both of the tow blue units stationed here suffered losses, and Yuki castle was relieved temporarily.

 The Control Points of the two players were equal and the morale of Bakufu remained at 0.

-Turn 2

 Bakufu rallied all the disordered units, but Yuki could restore only 2 disordered units to normal status. 


 Bakufu effortlessly swiped the remaining Yuki army from Gion area and the east of Yuki castle. The blue army engaged the rebel's main force concentrated in the southwestern outside area of Yuki castle. The battle ended in a draw but triggered a special event. 

 In this game, at a battle, both players roll dice. When they get the same number, an event occurs. This time, Shogun Yoshinori in Kyoto ordered a full-scale attack. With this order, all the Bakufu units which are in an area of a castle were compelled to attack the castle, regardless of the circumstances. 

 Yoshinori, the 6th shogun of Ashikaga shogunate, was known for his tyrannical rule, and his authoritarian policies were called 万人恐怖, which is roughly translated as "everyone's terror."

 Observing the stalemate between the main forces of Bakufu and Yuki just outside the latter's main stronghold, Shogun Yoshinori commanded the punitive army to assault all the rebel castles. The Bakufu force attacked desparetaly, which resulted in significant losses, but they succeeded in capturing Sekiyado castle. Shaken by the fall of Yuki's stronghold, some of the garrison units in Yuki main castle betrayed. (Another event occurred and two of the garrison units became disordered.)

 Yuki Ujitomo, the main leader of the rebellion, emerged from the main castle and launched an assault on the Bakufu army in Gion with full strength. With the capable commander Ujitomo leading an offensive force, another Yuki commander, Iwamatsu, with a deffense DRM, entered the main castle to bolster its defences. 

 A battle unfolded in Ashikaga area, which caused another event. This time a unit of Bakufu revolted and joined Yuki's side.

 Yuki successfully broke the siege of the main castle and controlled more areas than Bakufu, causing Bakufu's morale to plummet to -1.

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