
Battle of Kawagoe: Hojo Ujiyasu's gamble - AAR part2


 Ujiyasu pushed westward and made Ougigayatsu's purple line collapse. On the southern front, Ujiyasu sent a stack to help the units trapped by Yamanouchi's blue ones. But Yamanouchi responded quickly and encircled the two Hojo stacks, the one that had been just relieved and the other that came to relieve the friendly troops.

 Ujiyasu sent another stack to rescue the two stacks trapped by Yamanouchi. Though it didn't go without bleeding, the three Hojo stacks cut into the blue mass of Yamanouchi army. At the same time, taking half of his army, Ujiyasu launched an intensive attack against a commander of Ougigayatsu, which was reduced to the last one step. But the strength of the alliance army lies in its number. With the units that came down from the northern front, Ougigayatsu encircled Ujiyasu and his units. 


 Hojo's reinforcements arrived. They attacked from the south and reduced a commander of Yamanouchi. Ujiyasu pushed northward, eliminating the commander of Ougigayatsu with some purple units.

 Now that two of three clans of the allied army suffered a huge loss, Hojo Tsunashige, the garrison commander, decided to make a sortie. Together with Fukushima Benchiyo, Tsunashige burst out of the castle, crying "Katta, katta! (We won, we won!)"

 Actually, a special chit "Katta, katta" was drawn. This chit can be used only once per game, and basically it's the same as the normal Hojo chits, except for a special effect on the two garrison units of Hojo Tsunashige and Fukukshima Benchiyo: both the movement points and the combat points of those units are doubled during the activation. 

 The stack of Tsunashige and Benchiyo attacked Koga army with 4 overruns, which cut through the grey mass. Koga's army had remained intact until the sally of Tsunashige, but now lost a quarter of its troops. 

 The allied force struggled to maintain the siege. They constructed defence lines along streams with woods, Ougigayatsu on the left and Koga and Yamanouchi on the right. Further down a contingent of grey Koga was moving westward to fill the gap there.  

 So far Hojo army inflicted powerful blows on the allied force, but Ujiyasu's troops were not undamaged. Although they were still formidable if they remained stacked, they were bleeding by performing overruns and attacks.



 Hojo had attacked to the east, south and west, but suddenly Ujiyasu changed the direction of his offensive. Taking advantage of their high mobility, Ujiyasu's troops rushed to the north and broke the purple thin line of Ougigayatsu. 

 Some of Koga's army chased Ujiyasu and the others encircled the rest of the enemy units.


 Now Ujiyasu managed to make an opening on the northwest front. The desperate alliance started a battle of attrition, attacking no matter how low the odds were.

 But it was too late. Hojo did suffer some losses, but it was not enough for the anti-Hojo. With the support of the garrison force Ujiyasu fended off the counterattacks and secured the route between the castle and the northwest corner of the map. And finally, the game ended.

 Hojo's acquired VPs were 23 more than those of the anti-Hojo alliance, which means Hojo's victory. Ujiyasu won a bet and Kawagoe castle is relieved. Now the Hojo clan is rising ...


If you are interested in the battle of Kawagoe, thankfully, Wikipedia has a lot of information in English:

Battle of Kawagoe


Hojo Ujiyasu


Hojo clan (also called as Later Hojo clan)


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