
Masakado's Last Stand - AAR part2


 The assault of Masakado's elite force against the mass of the imperial government army has been mounted. The punitive force advanced one of its units to buy time. In this game, units adjacent to enemy ones are not allowed to move, which makes a weak unit able to momentarily stop the opponents.

 While the red units were advancing, the punitive force started to draw back, trying to save as many units as possible and to prepare for a counterattack. 

 But the withdrawal couldn't be conducted easily. As mentioned before, during a movement phase a player moves one unit at a time, like in chess, and the initiative player can end the phase whenever he/she likes. This means before the punitive force moves all its numerous units, the rebel who has the initiative can end the movement phase and start melee attacks. 

 Just after the blue force managed to withdraw its commanders and a few units, the red rebel started close-quarter combat and charged into the defence lines.


 The rebel army continued its all-out attack. Masakado himself led the main force on the left wing. Faced with formidable Masakado, who has the highest combat strength in the game, the blue force could provide little resistance. The head of the rebel army easily defeated the imperial troops, and the red units charged into Iwai Fort, a brown square on the map.

 The punitive army evacuated some units but backed by the tailwind, the attack of the rebel army was intense. One of the red commanders, Bunnya no Yoshitachi, who led the right wing, scattered two blue opponent units and advanced fiercely to catch the main force of the blue.


 On the left of the map, Yoshitachi pushed forward with some units, encircling one blue unit.

 Using delaying tactics, the punitive force advanced one unit to stop the main force of the red army, including Masakado and another commander Taira no Masatame.

 The red commander Yoshitachi was unstoppable. This time again, he dispersed blue units by melee combat on the left of the map. 

 The red army drove deeper into the defence lines of the blue army, but due to the blue unit sacrificed to buy time, the left wing of the rebel force, which included Masakado himself, was slowed down. In the meantime, a red detachment on the right of the map chased away a blue unit and approached the right wing of the punitive force.

 So far the imperial army has lost half of its units while the rebels remained intact...

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親衛隊は、銃剣だけで戦うのだ! La Garde veille! (VV178) AAR part2

 ●第2ターン  このターン、戦略イニシアティブ(initiative stratégique)を握ったのはロシア軍だった。Jours de Gloireシリーズでは戦略イニシアティブを得たプレイヤーは最初に活性化する部隊を選ぶことができる。ロシア軍は左翼(マップ下方)のDokh...