
Masakado's Last Stand - AAR part3


 In this turn, the direction of the wind may change with a 33% probability, but it remained the same to let Masakado keep the initiative. 

 Masakado's army eliminated two encircled units by fire. In this game during a fire phase and a melee phase all the shootings of the initiative player are solved at first, and then come the shootings of the non-initiative player. Shooting can cause damage to the target or make it retreat, and encircled units can't retreat but are eliminated.

 Masakado's army kept its ferocious assault. Although one attack was repulsed, the red units charged into the enemy lines.


 In Turn5, a wind shift happens with a 67% probability, and it did! Now the imperial force was in a position upwind, their shooting range extended to 2 hexes, and they could fire before the enemy could. Having expected this, the punitive force had laid a trap in the previous turn. During the movement phase in Turn4, Hidesato, who had positioned on the left wing of the punitive force, shifted to the right so that when a Masakado unit advanced after a melee towards the overall commander of the blue army Taira no Sadamori, three blue commanders could rain a hail of fire on it in the coming turn. (BTW, Hidesato is said to have killed Masakado at the end of the battle.)

 Having seen the fierce rush of Yoshitachi in the previous turns, Masatame, another red commander, also thrust after a melee in Turn 4. But now, he was the prey of intensive fire from the commanders of the punitive force. The sky was darkened with arrows, and Masatame's retinue got totally panicked - the result of the fire was "rout status", and in this game the unit in a rout status is immediately eliminated when attacked by melee. 

 The overall commander of the punitive force, Sadamori, attacked the disordered retinue of Masatame in a close quarter and killed the enemy commander. 

 This was the start of the counterattack of the imperial punitive army. Attacked by melee, a red unit on the left was forced to retreat into the swamp and eliminated. Another red unit was encircled by advance after combat and eliminated.

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