
Battle for Yuki - AAR part 4

 -Turn 5

 In this turn, Bakufu once again attempted to defeat Yuki's main army. A pitched battle took place in the northwestern outskirts, resulting in Bakufu emerging victorious. Yuki's three units were thrown into disarray. 

 Only three turns remained. With the morale so low, Bakufu couldn't win unless it captures the Yuki's main castle. Bakufu attacked two hexes of the castle, both of which succeeded. Yuki castle was reduced to only one hex.

 Yuki gathered most of the remaining units and relieved Shimodate castle. At the same time, it strategically scattered its units across different areas to acquire more Control points than Bakufu. This led the morale of Bakufu further down to -2.

-Turn 6

 Once again, Bakufu managed to rally all disordered units, while Yuki was only able to recover one unit.

 Leveraging its numerical superiority, Bakufu dispatched a strong force to the Shimodate area, dealing a severe blow to Yuki's troops. In the northwestern outskirts of Yuki castle, Bakufu swept away the remnants of Yuki's force.

 With the morale so low as -2, Bakufu could launch only one attack on Yuki castle. The attack made the garrison disordered, yet Yuki managed to hold onto the castle.

 Yuki was determined to prevent the fall of its main castle at all costs. It gathered the remaining units and launched an attack on Bakufu's occupying force from outside the castle walls. Bakufu suffered a loss but managed to hold its ground.

 Yuki failed to gain any Control Points, resulting in Bakufu's morale increasing to -1

-Turn 7

 The Bakufu army fully recovered its strength. Engaging in pitched battles outside Yuki and Shimodate castles, Bakufu defeated Yuki's forces. However, to win, Bakufu had to capture the final hex of Yuki castle. The desperate Bakufu army launched fierce attacks but was repelled by the garrison led by the Yuki's commander Iwakuni. 

Now came the end of the game. The morale of Bakufu increased to zero, which means the match resulted in a draw. The deadlock would persist, prolonging the conflict. Soon, Japan would plunge into a century-long civil war, brought to an end by Tokugawa Ieyasu. His establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate would usher in an era of peace lasting two and a half centuries.

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