





 結構史実に手を加えているらしくて、エジプトのピラミッドを砲撃とか、そりゃないだろとナポレオニック初心者の私でも思います。でも映画は映画と割り切って楽しめばいいんじゃないかな。それにね、ナポレオン自身が"La vérité historique est souvent une fable convenue."(歴史的真実とはしばしば、合意された寓話なのだ)なんて言ったそうですし。




















Battle for Yuki - AAR part 4

 -Turn 5

 In this turn, Bakufu once again attempted to defeat Yuki's main army. A pitched battle took place in the northwestern outskirts, resulting in Bakufu emerging victorious. Yuki's three units were thrown into disarray. 

 Only three turns remained. With the morale so low, Bakufu couldn't win unless it captures the Yuki's main castle. Bakufu attacked two hexes of the castle, both of which succeeded. Yuki castle was reduced to only one hex.

 Yuki gathered most of the remaining units and relieved Shimodate castle. At the same time, it strategically scattered its units across different areas to acquire more Control points than Bakufu. This led the morale of Bakufu further down to -2.

-Turn 6

 Once again, Bakufu managed to rally all disordered units, while Yuki was only able to recover one unit.

 Leveraging its numerical superiority, Bakufu dispatched a strong force to the Shimodate area, dealing a severe blow to Yuki's troops. In the northwestern outskirts of Yuki castle, Bakufu swept away the remnants of Yuki's force.

 With the morale so low as -2, Bakufu could launch only one attack on Yuki castle. The attack made the garrison disordered, yet Yuki managed to hold onto the castle.

 Yuki was determined to prevent the fall of its main castle at all costs. It gathered the remaining units and launched an attack on Bakufu's occupying force from outside the castle walls. Bakufu suffered a loss but managed to hold its ground.

 Yuki failed to gain any Control Points, resulting in Bakufu's morale increasing to -1

-Turn 7

 The Bakufu army fully recovered its strength. Engaging in pitched battles outside Yuki and Shimodate castles, Bakufu defeated Yuki's forces. However, to win, Bakufu had to capture the final hex of Yuki castle. The desperate Bakufu army launched fierce attacks but was repelled by the garrison led by the Yuki's commander Iwakuni. 

Now came the end of the game. The morale of Bakufu increased to zero, which means the match resulted in a draw. The deadlock would persist, prolonging the conflict. Soon, Japan would plunge into a century-long civil war, brought to an end by Tokugawa Ieyasu. His establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate would usher in an era of peace lasting two and a half centuries.


Battle for Yuki - AAR part 3

 -Turn 3

 Both armies suffered severe losses during the previous turn. Yuki could rally only 2 units of the garrison in the main castle, while Bakufu managed to restore 5 units back to their normal state.

 With the regained force, Bakufu encircled Yuki castle again. A pitched battle took place in the Gion area with Bakufu aiming to defeat Yuki's main army. However, the blue army suffered defeat. In the northwest, Bakufu eliminated Yuki's unit in the Nitta area and overcame Yuki's contingent in the Ashikaga area, leading to further unrest in Yuki's main castle as two of the garrison became disordered. Mounting an assault on Yuki castle from the eastern side, Bakufu breached the defenses, enabling them to storm in.

 In the midst of Bakufu's attack, a formidable stack led by Yuki managed to withstand the battle and swiftly moved to relieve the surrounded main castle. They triumphed over Bakufu's forces in the southwestern outside are of Yuki castle, successfully breaking the siege.

 Even though Bakufu failed to encircle Yuki castle, Bakufu controlled more areas than Yuki did, and had fewer units in the retired box. This boosted Bakufu's morale to 0.

-Turn 4

 Bolstered by its impressive ability to rally troops effectively, Bakufu successfully restored all its disordered units to their normal state. Yuki had a stroke of luck, managing to rally 5 units.

 In the Sekiyado area where one of Yuki's strongholds is located, even though Bakufu had an upper hand, Yuki's tiny army managed to defeat Bakufu. This turn again Bakufu attempted to inflict losses on Yuki's main army but was repelled in the southwestern outside area of Yuki castle.

 Despite facing defeats on the battlefields, Bakufu breached the southeastern wall of Yuki castle. Moreover, within the castle grounds, Bakufu succeeded in penetrating the northeastern corner.

 Yuki's commander emerged victorious against the encircling force in the northwestern corner of the main castle. Yuki dispatched a small contingent to the Koga area to get rid of Bakufu's force there and acquire 2 Control points. During the battle at Koga, another unit of Bakufu switched its loyalty. This time it was the garrison of Sekiyado castle, and Bakufu lost 2 Control Points of that castle area.

 Yuki's castle was half occupied, yet the connection to the outside was reestablished, granting Yuki 2 Control Points. In addition, Yuki regained control of Koga and Sekiyado, along with dominating 2 other areas. This caused Bakufu's moral to plummet to -1.


Battle for Yuki - AAR part 2

 -Turn 1

 The Bakufu's punitive amry appeared. As they surrounded Yuki castle, a formidable contingent was dispatched to relieve Gion castle in the north. Bakufu emerged victorious in the pitched battle in Gion area, though just one unit of Yuki got disordered. 

 Yuki's Sekiyado castle was also besieged by a large army of Bakufu, but the high defence effect of that castle enabled Yuki's garrison to repell the attack. Meanwhile, Bakufu deployed small contingents to the other three castles of Yuki to disrupt Yuki's control of those areas.

 Although Bakufu defeated the rebel force outside Yuki castle, their attempts to breach the castle proved unsuccessful.

 To lift the siege, Yuki gathered the remaining units and attacked Bakufu's army at the southwestern corner of Yuki castle. Both of the tow blue units stationed here suffered losses, and Yuki castle was relieved temporarily.

 The Control Points of the two players were equal and the morale of Bakufu remained at 0.

-Turn 2

 Bakufu rallied all the disordered units, but Yuki could restore only 2 disordered units to normal status. 


 Bakufu effortlessly swiped the remaining Yuki army from Gion area and the east of Yuki castle. The blue army engaged the rebel's main force concentrated in the southwestern outside area of Yuki castle. The battle ended in a draw but triggered a special event. 

 In this game, at a battle, both players roll dice. When they get the same number, an event occurs. This time, Shogun Yoshinori in Kyoto ordered a full-scale attack. With this order, all the Bakufu units which are in an area of a castle were compelled to attack the castle, regardless of the circumstances. 

 Yoshinori, the 6th shogun of Ashikaga shogunate, was known for his tyrannical rule, and his authoritarian policies were called 万人恐怖, which is roughly translated as "everyone's terror."

 Observing the stalemate between the main forces of Bakufu and Yuki just outside the latter's main stronghold, Shogun Yoshinori commanded the punitive army to assault all the rebel castles. The Bakufu force attacked desparetaly, which resulted in significant losses, but they succeeded in capturing Sekiyado castle. Shaken by the fall of Yuki's stronghold, some of the garrison units in Yuki main castle betrayed. (Another event occurred and two of the garrison units became disordered.)

 Yuki Ujitomo, the main leader of the rebellion, emerged from the main castle and launched an assault on the Bakufu army in Gion with full strength. With the capable commander Ujitomo leading an offensive force, another Yuki commander, Iwamatsu, with a deffense DRM, entered the main castle to bolster its defences. 

 A battle unfolded in Ashikaga area, which caused another event. This time a unit of Bakufu revolted and joined Yuki's side.

 Yuki successfully broke the siege of the main castle and controlled more areas than Bakufu, causing Bakufu's morale to plummet to -1.


Battle for Yuki - AAR part 1

  During the 14th century, coinciding with the eruption of the Hundred Years' War between England and France, Japan saw the rise of the Ashikaga shogunate. Despite its establishment, the shogunate grappled with subduing the entirety of the land, facing a series of uprisings. Approaching the mid-15th century, approximately ten years prior to the fall of Constantinople, the Yuki clan staged a rebellion in the Kanto region, encompassing what is now Tokyo. Responding swiftly, the shogunate mobilized a formidable punitive force, but the resilient rebel faction, entrenched within the unyielding walls of Yuki castle, valiantly withstood the assaults. The rebellion met its end only upon the eventual downfall of the impregnable castle after a prolonged and gruelling conflict. This protracted yearlong clash is known as 結城合戦 Yuki Kassen


 The game Battle for Yuki simulates this conflict between Bakufu (the shogunate) and Yuki clan. It is featured in Issue 2 of the magazine Bushi Life, offering simple rules for quick and easy play, basically utilizing IGO UGO system. 

 Bakufu appears to have the upper hand. It boasts of a numerical superiority with 27 units, 6 of which have an offence and/or defence DRM. In contrast, Yuki commands only 18 units, and just 3 of them have DRM. 

 Furthermore, Bakufu has a large ability to recover losses of units. In this game, in the Rallying Phase at the beginning of each turn, each player can restore his disordered units to the normal status. The number of recovering units is based on dice rolls. Bakufu can roll two dice while Yuki is limited to one, essentially doubling Bakufu's recuperative ability.

 However, Yuki is not in a hopeless situation. It holds 4 castles in addition to its impregnable main stronghold, which consists of 6 hexes with four areas outside the castle. Each castle hex offers a defence DRM of 2 to 3, akin to the effect of bolstering the defender's force with 2 or 3 additional units.

 In this game, the morale of Bakufu plays an important part. Not only it depends on the morale which side wins at the end of the game, but also if Yuki can keep the enemy's morale below 1, it can retain the initiative during the game; Yuki player can decide whether he plays first or second in a turn. Morale is directly affected by Control Points (CP).

 Bakufu begins with a morale of 0, which is adjusted based on CPs at the end of each turn. A comparison between the CPs of both sides determines the morale's shift: if Bakufu secures more points, their morale increases by 1; conversely, if they secure fewer points, morale decreases by 1. Most areas offer a single CP value, while the three castles—Gion, Koga, and Sekiyado—hold a value of 2 each. Regarding Yuki's main castle, Yuki gains 2 CPs unless it's surrounded by Bakufu forces. In the event of encirclement, Bakufu receives 1 CP.

 Therefore, controlling areas is a key to win. If one side exclusively maintains unit(s) in normal status within an area, that side gains control of that region. Although Yuki possesses castles, seemingly securing control over areas, Bakufu can disrupt Yuki's hold on a castle area by placing its unit(s) there, even without capturing a Yuki castle. This strategic maneuver can prove vexing for Yuki, especially given their smaller unit count.

The primary objective of the Bakufu force is to seize the Yuki castle. However, even if it fails to do so, Bakufu can still secure a narrow victory by attaining a morale as high as 3 at the game's conclusion. The Yuki army's crucial goal is to defend its main castle while engaging in tactical harassment in other areas to keep the morale of the Bakufu army at a low level.

 During the initial deployment, the Yuki player is required to garrison units in all their castles, allocating a minimum of 6 units to the Yuki castle. The remaining Yuki units can be deployed according to the player's discretion. In contrast, only four of the Bakufu units are initially deployed, while a significant portion of the shogunate force enters the fray on the first turn.

 The Yuki player strategically positions 5 units in the area box of Gion castle, including one commander, Iwamatsu, possessing a defense DRM. Three units are placed in an area box outside the Yuki castle, aimed at impeding the Bakufu's attempts to encircle the castle.

Now the battle begins.


失われた王になってたまるか! Bosworth 1485 - Blood & Roses (GMT) AAR ⑤






 ここまで戦闘に参加していなかったヘンリー隊だったが、ついに動く。スタンリーの側面攻撃でリチャード隊が手負いとなった今こそ、主役の見せ場。イングランド王位を継ぐのはランカスターの血を引くこのヘンリーなのだ。ものども、突撃! リチャードの白い猪を奴の血で赤く染めてやれ!!  ヘンリー自ら陣頭に立って突撃。粉塵を巻き上げて突っ込んでくる重騎兵集団の攻撃で、リチャード隊の重騎兵と歩兵が混乱状態となった。

 よし、余に続けオックスフォード、とヘンリーが命じるものの、これまでの激戦で疲弊したか、オックスフォードが動かない。そしてヨーク軍に自由活性が回ってくる。迷わずリチャードが活性化。左翼(マップ右方)の歩兵がスタンリーの歩兵を壊滅させる。リチャードは、王自ら勝負を決めてやる! と反転してスタンリーの重騎兵に向かう。ここでヨーク軍は「戦列の裂け目へ(Into the Breach)」という、白兵戦でDRM+1となるカウンターを使用。

「もう一度、あの敵戦列の裂け目へ! 皆の者、もう一度だ!」とリチャードになり切って檄を飛ばすヨーク軍プレイヤー。



Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more

ってなっています。dear friendsって呼びかけるんですね。それと、これはハーフラー(仏語読みだとアルフルール)の街の攻城戦のシーンで、このセリフのあとOr close the wall up with our English dead(さもなくばイギリス人の死骸で城壁を塞ぐのだ)」と続いていますね。




 でもそんなことは置いておいて、映画「ロスト・キング」を見てからこのシナリオをやると燃えると思いますよ。「Blood&Roses」の入っている「Men of Iron Tri-pack」はGMTから再版が決まっているので楽しみです。


失われた王になってたまるか! Bosworth 1485 - Blood & Roses (GMT) AAR ④


 積み重なる損害に、ランカスター軍の累積敗走ポイントは12となった。このシナリオでのランカスター軍の敗走レベル(Flight Level)は18で、自由活性の終了時に10面体サイコロを振り、出た目を累計敗走ポイントに足してこの数値を越えると負けてしまう。つまり、現状では7以上の目が出ると終わりで、損害が増えるとランカスターが敗北する可能性がさらに上がっていくのだ。












親衛隊は、銃剣だけで戦うのだ! La Garde veille! (VV178) AAR part2

 ●第2ターン  このターン、戦略イニシアティブ(initiative stratégique)を握ったのはロシア軍だった。Jours de Gloireシリーズでは戦略イニシアティブを得たプレイヤーは最初に活性化する部隊を選ぶことができる。ロシア軍は左翼(マップ下方)のDokh...